Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hello Again!

So sorry for the delay, I've been learning to type and format my pictures in Photoshop - it's not easy airbrushing out all of one's flaws, double chins etc etc...

Lots has happened since my last missive.
We moved to Ottawa.
Xmas came and went.
It got cold.

Further more, I pushed out two teeth, learned to sit up and crawl, and now eat rice cereal with relish (gusto, not condiments).

Here is my story in pictorial form...

This blog was sent from Mummy's iPod.

Just in case there was any doubt regarding my Indian heritage...

I also enjoy huntin' and fishin'. Here is a particularly fierce butterfly that I will skin and stuff later this month.

Harry has a picture like this, looking up at something...

But at least I am actually looking at something.

Well, as many of you are aware, this thing called xmas came and went. Everyone else seemed very excited.

And I'll admit, I was delighted to finally have a big old thingy I can stand up in and torment animals.

And I do love receiving new threads to keep me ahead of the fashion curve.

But I really couldn't stop laughing when Harry told me he still believes in Santa.

Still - I mustn't grumble. I got some lovely stuff, and had fun with the family.

I do like a good giggle, don't you?

I wasn't that keen on solids to start with - but now I LOVE it!

Here I am in maximum velocity crawling position.

And here I am having a bit of a rest after maximum velocity crawling.

Seriously... what did they think was going to happen?

I'm not too thrilled about this giant purple rodent trying to eat my head.

Nor the fact that dad took a picture of me in the nudie. Thankfully, I managed to censor this before it got published.

Do you like the way I photo-bombed this group portrait?

Harry keeps stealing my bumbo (which I stole from someone else) to sit in to make his calls to his ladies. What cheek!

I CAN actually walk, I just composited this device in so that you wouldn't get freaked out.

Yes - it is very cold in Ottawa. I seem to recall a much warmer place... it had palm trees and.. oh well.

Did I mention I eat solid food now? It's a good job they are finally feeding me...

Just in case there was any doubt that I am, in fact, American.

Mum and dad like to develop my mental prowess. I finished this in 7.5 seconds.

I enjoyed hooking up with Uncle Paul again, even if he did bore me to death with his endless browsing of math sites.

But at the end of the day, there's no-one like my big brother. He's good to me!

That's it for now.
I hear Harry is working on an update too, so there will be more to see very soon,

ta ta for now,

Kaylee XX


  1. You're growing so big, Kaylee. And adorable, too, just like your big brother. And Mommy looks healthy and happy!

  2. Just in case there was any doubt that I am, in fact, American.,

    Praise the Force for that...someone in that family has to represent...LMAO

    I see a lot of likeliness of daddy in Kaylee...she's getting so big, so is Harry and I miss all of you.

    Yes - it is very cold in Ottawa. I seem to recall a much warmer place... it had palm trees and.. oh well.,

    And hopefully you'll be back soon. Both kids being American helps the parent to migrate back to Palm trees...LOL


  3. You're getting to look so much like your big bro, Kaylee. I hope you and the family are liking Ottawa. Thanks for sharing the adorable pics!
