Friday, August 27, 2010

Three Months Old! (Nearly)

Hi, Kaylee here.

No, you didn't miss a blog - dad's just been super mad busy and so I haven't had a chance to get on this machine. Now that I'm here, it's quite fun.
I like buttons.
Thought you might like to see how much I've changed!

Well, here I am with my big bother. And no, that wasn't a typo...

Actually, Harry's fine, he's pretty gentle with me and doesn't get too jealous.
That said, sometimes his antics can drive a girl to drink.

After a particularly heavy night of it, grandma helps me dry out.

I jest of course. The only soaking I do is the California sun rays - but just for a few seconds. Harry likes to couch-tan too.

Actually, a few folks have said I look like my brother. I really don't see the similarity...

I mean - look, when we're stripped down to our undies, we're totally different!

Of course, being a lady, I would rather be seen in my finery than my super-absorbent knickers.

It is distressing though, when daddy forgets what a pretty little thing I am - and makes me look like a reject from The Hobbit.

Oliver doesn't mind though - he knows a future trophy wife when he sees one.

Wow - all this button mashing can wear a little girl out... it must be nap time somewhere...

Bye for now,

love, Kaylee Jayne XX

Saturday, July 3, 2010

One Month Old!

Hi folks, Harrison here with another update for my sister,

I'll start with some early shots, here she is still in hospital,

and here she is having her hearing test. I said HEARING TEST!

You've heard of the Man from Atlantis - well, meet his new sidekick...

When she came home, all she did was relax. She's good at relaxing.

It took a while for her to open her eyes, but when she did, she saw all the cool family members she had, even grandpa Gill!

Admittedly she gets a bit bored with all the drinking and sleeping and burping.

She wore my old England shirt, but it didn't bring them any luck in the World Cup, in fact, she was quite upset by the way they played.

But at the end of the day, she's pretty cute.
I'm her big brother, and I love her.

Harry and Kaylee out!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Shiny Day

Hello all, Harry here,

I have created a new blog for my new little sister, Kaylee, and figured I would get it started while she is busy with mum.

Kaylee Jayne was born on June 2nd at 2:26PM by C-Section (whatever that is).
Here she is looking pretty mad about being disturbed.
(Those of you who don't like mucky babies, look away now).

She weighed 7lbs 1 oz (heavier than me, I might add) and is 19.5 inches long. She's got loads of dark hair and brown eyes and can blow bubbles really well.
Here she is meeting mum for the first time while dad shows her the correct way to put a bag on your head.

She's pretty cute, it looks like she got my looks, lucky for her.
Her full name is Kaylee Jayne Baker. It took mum and dad ages to figure out her name, and it's kind of a coincidence that she is named after a couple of characters in one of their favourite TV shows. Mum liked the name Kaylee, and dad found that Jayne is a Hindu word meaning 'winner'. They wanted to give her an Indian middle name just like me, so now we're Harrison Jaan and Kaylee Jayne - cool eh?

She's also pretty good at telling mum when it's time to eat. I must teach her the correct way, namely pointing at one's mouth and yelling "EAT!", which I have to say I'm a master at.

When I went to visit her this morning, she surprised me with a gift of toy cars - she's gonna be a cool sister, I can tell! Her feet are very soft too.

Uncle Paul and Granny Gill came with me to see her, and nobody could contain their excitement!

I can't wait to go back and visit Kaylee and Mum again soon. However, I must admit, the awesome train set they have at the hospital is the main reason I want to go...

Bye for now!

HJB out.